Billy Talent III

petak , 22.05.2009.

Billy Talent III je naziv novog, četvrtog (odnosno trećeg pod imenom Billy Talent) albuma kanadskog banda Billy Talenta. Album je snimljen u Los Angelesu, CA. Album je producirao poznati producent Brendan O'Brien (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden) i očekuje se sredinom srpnja ove godine. S albuma su već skinuta dva singla Turn Your Back (u suradnji s Anti-Flagom) i Rusted From The Rain. Rusted From The Rain je prvi službeni singl s albuma,te je video snimljen u travnju 2009.

Cover albuma Billy Talent III
Billy Talent III

1. "Devil On My Shoulder" - 3:14
2. "Rusted from the Rain" - 3:32
3. "Saint Veronika" - 3:27
4. "Tears Into Wine" - 3:58
5. "White Sparrows" - 4:22
6. "Pocketful Of Dreams" - 3:45
7. "The Dead Can't Testify" - 3:03
8. "Diamond On A Landmine" - 3:39
9. "Turn Your Back" (feat. Anti-Flag) - 3:23
10. "Sudden Movements" - 4:34
11. "Definition Of Destiny" - 4:55

Turn Your Back

Turn Your Back

Rusted From The Rain

Rusted From The Rain

Live DVD / CD "666"

subota , 03.11.2007.

Fanovi Billy Talenta mogu okusiti tri Europska koncerta od ranije ove godine kada će band objaviti svoj novi DVD/CD koji će izaći 27.11.
Billy Talent 666 je sniman i produciran od FogoLabs' Pierre i Francois Lamoureux (The Who, The Tragically Hip) i sadrži 6 pjesama sa concerata iz Londona, Engleskog Brixton Academy, Dusseldorf, Njemački Philipshalle i Nurburgrin, Njemački Rock Am Ring Festival. Drugi CD sadrži audio porciju od cijelog Dusseldorf koncerta.
Billy Talent Live Deluxe Edition je komplet od 3 CD-a koji uključuje DVD cijelog Dusseldorf i Londonskog koncerta, te Njemačkog mega ljetnog festivala Rock am Ring. Audio CD uključuje kompletni Dusseldorf koncert i extra sadržaje.
Billy Talent II je objavljen u lipnju 2006. godine i debatirao je kao broj 1 po prodaji u Kanadi i Njemačkoj.
Kanadski band je uzeo predah od putovanja i uskoro počinje raditi na svom novom, trećem albumu.

Pjesme na Billy Talent 666:

Brixton Academy:
• "This Is How It Goes"
• "Devil In A Midnight Mass"
• "This Suffering"
• "Standing In The Rain"
• "Navy Song"
• "Worker Bees"

• "Line And Sinker"
• "The Ex"
• "Surrender"
• "Prisoners Of Today"
• "River Below"
• "Red Flag"

Rock Am Ring Festival:
• "Perfect World"
• "Sympathy"
• "Try Honesty"
• "Nothing To Lose"
• "Fallen Leaves"
• "Red Flag"

Billy Talent 666

Billy Talent 666 Deluxe

Billy Talent II.

ponedjeljak , 27.08.2007.

Nakon izdavanja njihovog prvog albuma i velikog uspjeha, prošlo je nešto vremena i jedna velika turneja. No to što se bend nakon toga nije pretjerano žurio sa izdavnjem kakvog-takvog drugog albuma i što se usudio na nešto drugačiji zvuk, dakle uz malo eksperimentiranja za novi album, može se samo pozitivno protumačiti. Rimska dvojka ("II") je drugi po redu, album grupe Billy Talent. Album je izašao 2006. godine. S albuma su već skinuta četiri singla Devil In The Midnight Mass, Red Flag, Fallen Leaves i Surrender. Lagani intro na gitari mami pažnju, dok agresivni, dinamični punk koji potom slijedi, obara s nogu. No i ostale pjesme kao «This Suffering», «Worker Bees», «Pins And Needles», «Sympathy» i «Perfect World», ne zvuče monotono, te su svakako vrijedne pažnje i slušanja. Gotovo da i nema filter pjesama na ovom albumu. Drugi album primjetno zvuči nešto manje žestok, pjevač Kowalewicz je odlučio malo poštediti svoje glasne žice i više pjevati, a manje vrištati (što i, uzgred budi rečeno, sam priznaje: "I don't want to be known as the Scream Guy"). I sve dok god neki bend ne vrišti, nego pjeva i to na maternjem ili bilo kojem od stranih jezika koje razumijemo, tekstovi pjesme postaju bitan sastavni dio. I postaje bitno da li se radi o tekstovima koji su duhoviti ili u sebi nose neko značenje, poruku ili priču, što je slučaj s tekstovima ove grupe. Nije baš zgodno kad se uhvatite kako pjevušite neku pjesmu bez imalo smisla.Tako npr. «Devil in The Midnight Mass» je pjesma o istinitoj aferi zlostavljanja djece od strane svećenika, dok u pjesmi Fallen Leaves se pjeva o problemima ovisnosti. Billy Talent tako crpi inspiraciju promatrajući ljude i dešavanja oko sebe, kao i iz vlastitih iskustava.

Billy Talent II.

Billy Talent III. ?
Dečki iz benda Billy Talent nakon naporne turneje i ljetnih festivala uzimaju kratki predah, te u listopadu ove godine, počinju raditi na svom novom albumu koji će se biti nastavak njihova dva predhodna albuma s naslovom Billy Talent III. O novom albumu se malo zna, ali pretpostavljamo da će izaći u ljeto ili možda pred kraj 2008. godine. Nadamo se da će dečki dati sve od sebe i potrudit se da i ovaj novi album bude u vrhu kao i prethodna dva. Naprijed dečki!

Ben, Ian, Aaron i Jon

Dodijeljene kanadske MuchMusic Video nagrade (20.6.2007.)

srijeda , 15.08.2007. Billy Talent na dodjeli MMVA 2007

Bend iz Toronta, Billy Talent, veliki je dobitnik na ovogodišnjoj 18. dodjeli MuchMusic Video koja se održala 18.lipnja u Torontu.
Billy Talent imali su pet nominacija, a dobili su tri nagrade i to u kategorijama top video, MuchLoud top rock video za "Fallen Leaves" i people's choice nagradu kao najbolji kanadski bend.
Avril Lavigne dobila je nagradu u kategoriji best international video by a Canadian za "Girlfriend", a pobjeda u kategoriji "najbolja po izboru fanova" izmamila joj je suze radosnice.
Show je počeo nastupom Fergie iz Black Eyed Peasa koja je otpjevala "Big Girls Don't Cry" i "Fergalicious", a kasnije je nagrađena u kategoriji best international video (artist) za "Fergalicious".
Pred 6.000 ljudi još su nastupili Billy Talent, Hilary Duff, Alexisonfire, Maroon 5, Belly, The Used i Finger Eleven.
Svečana ceremonija trajala je dva sata.

Tvrdo izvana,meko iznutra

četvrtak , 09.08.2007.

Brutalni punk-rockeri! U intervjuu za Bravo dečki iz benda Billy Talent su pokazali svoju nježniju stranu...

Žestoki akordi na gitari, ultra sočan zvuč, snažni udarci bubnjeva i glasno vrištanje - to bi bile glavne karakteristike po kojima se istakla grupa Billy Talent u svojim videospotovima i na koncetima. Međutim kada smo se susreli s pjevačem Benjaminom Kowalewiczom i bubnjarom Aaronom Solowoniukom, nismo ih mogli prepoznati. Osim brojnih tetovaža na njihovim tijelima, ništa ne ukazuje na to da su oni divlji punk-rockeri. Ben je gotovo stidljivo pružio ruku: ''Oprostite, maloprije smo stigli. Jučer smo u ovo vrijeme bili u Kanadi!'' I pomalo slomljeno dodao je: ''Kao i uvijek nisam mogla zaspati u avionu.'' Ben je sjeo u fotelju, a Aaron se udobno smjestio na kauč. U intervjuu su nam otkrili kako podnose slavu. Ben: ''Sviramo zajedno duže od 10 godina. Veseli nas to što smo uspješni, ali svejedno nam je jesmo li prodali 100 ili milijun CD-ova!'' Tetovaže na njihovim tijelima otkrivaju što je to što im je zaista važno: na Benovoj podlaktici, npr. vidi se traka na kojoj se nalaze riječi ''friends,family,music'' (prijev. prijatelji, obitelj, glazba), koja obavija jedno crveno srce. I burnjar Aaron je istetovirao ime jednog člana svoje obitelji: preko grudi mu se proteže krasopis koji otkriva slova imena njegove kćeri Willow. On se još uvijek dobro sijeća svoje prve tetovaže: ''Imao sam 14 godina i stalno sam izlazio s prijateljima. Vozili smo skateboard i BMX i silno se zabavljali. Budući da smo se zvali ''The Freestyle Corner'', svi smo istetovirali 'T.F.C.' na zglobu ruke. Ali tattoo-majstor to nije napravio steliriziranom iglom, već žicom gitare. I dandanas se čudim što nisam zaradio neku infekciju!'' Momci su posebno ponosni na svoju tetovažu ''pals'' koju imaju svi članovi benda - osim basista Jonathana. Aaron kaže oduševljeno: '' 'Pals' znači 'prijatelji' i meni je jako drago što imam istu tetovažu kao moji najbolji prijatelji!'' A onda nam je Aaron otkrio još jednu tajnu: ''Moja žena se bavi tetoviranjem - ona nam je izradila ''pals'' tetovažu.'' S obzirom na to da su u privatnom životu sasvim zadovoljni, pomalo je čudno to što Billy Talent ima tako žestok nastup na bini. Ben ima sasvim jednostavno rješenje: ''Kada sam na sceni dajem sebi maksimum oduška. Tada mogu raditi sve ono što mi u svakodnevnom životu nebi palo na pamet!''

Ben & Aaron

O grupi:

četvrtak , 26.07.2007.

Glazbeni žanr: rock
Članovi: Benjamin Kowalewicz, Jonathan Gallant, Ian D’Sa, Aaron Solowoniuk
Postoje od: 1993.
Dolaze iz: Streetsville, Kanada

Billy Talent je kanadska punk rock atrakcija koja postoji već niz godina, a popularnost je stekla tek prije tri godine kada su izdali album s imenom Billy Talent. Do tada su uglavnom objavljivali svoju glazbu u nezavisnoj produkciji. Upravo s tim albumom Billy Talent je izašao iz anonimnosti, te su singlovima Try Honesty, River Below i The ex zaintrigirali javnost. Iako Billy Talent pod ovim imenom iza sebe imaju samo dva albuma, band pod raznim imenima djeluje od početka devedesetih godina. Tijekom tog vremena Billy Talent su u Kanadi stekli status odlične live atrakcije, za to vrijeme su snimili i svoj prvi album Watoosh, no tada su još djelovali pod imenom Pezz. Nakon pravnih sporova oko imena bend mijenja ime u Billy Talent. Izbacivši jedno L, ime su si dali po liku, gitaristi iz filma «Hard Core Logo» (rež. Bruce McDonalda). S promjenom imena mijenjaju i dotadašnji rock zvuk prema punku, a istodobno izbacuju i svoj demo Try Honesty koji kružeći po internetu na sjevernoameričkoj underground sceni stvara od Billy Talent zvijezde. Dvije godine nakon dema izbacuju svoj prvi album, s kojim su osvojili i razne nagrade. Album je postigao trostruku platinastu nakladu u Kanadi, a nije bio nezapažen ni u SAD-u.

Super caka: Drugi album, Billy Talent II, izašao je prošle godine i s njega su skinuta 4 singla: Devil in a Midnight Mass, Red Flag, Fallen Leaves i Surrender. Kritičari ih optužuju da se na albumu osjeća nedostatak inspiracije te da Billy Talent II zvuči kao kopija prvog albuma. Dečki pak tvrde da to nije točno, ali priznaju da su na njih na drugom uratku snažno utjecale razne grupe, od Fugazija do System of a Down. Novi album još je više proširio njihovu popularnost, odlično se prodaje, a rasprodani su i svi njihovi koncerti.

Billy Talent
(s lijeva na desno, Aaron, Jon, Ben i Ian)

Članovi banda:

Pjevač: Benjamin Kowalewicz (Ben)
Rođen: 16.12.1975
Grad: Montreal, Quebec, Kanada
Zanimanje: Pjevač, pisač pjesama
Zanimljivost: Osnivač benda Billy Talent

El. Gitara: Ian D’Sa
Rođen: 30.10.1975
Grad: United Kingdom,odrastao u Ontariu (Kanada)
Zanimanje: Svirač el. gitare, prateći vokal

Bass Gitara: Jonathan Gallant (Jon)
Rođen: 23.07.1976
Grad: Streetsville, Ontario, Kanada
Zanimanje: Basist, prateći vokal

Bubnjevi: Aaron Solowoniuk
Rođen: 15.12.1974
Grad: Toronto, Ontario, Kanada
Zanimanje: Bubnjar, graditelj grupa


Billy Talent III (srpanj 2009)

Billy Talent II (23.06.2006)
Billy Talent II

01. Devil In A Midnight Mass
02. Red Flag
03. This Suffering
04. Worker Bees
05. Pins And Needles
06. Fallen Leaves
07. Where Is The Line?
08. Covered In Cowardice
09. Surrender
10. The Navy Song
11. Perfect World
12. Sympathy
13. Burn The Evidence

Billy Talent (29.09.2003)
Billy Talent

1. This is how it goes
2. Living in the shadows
3. Try Honesty
4. Line&Sinker
5. Lies
6. The Ex
7. River below
8. Standing in the rain
9. Cut the curtains
10. Prisoners of today
11. Nothing to lose
12. Voice of violence


srijeda , 25.07.2007.

Try Honesty (2003.)

The Ex (2004.)

River Below (2004.)

Nothing To Lose (2004.)

Devil In The Midnight Mass (2006.)

Red Flag (2006.)

Fallen Leaves (2006.)

Surrender (2007.)

Riječi pjesama:

utorak , 03.07.2007.

Album: Billy Talent II

Devil In A Midnight Mass

A devil in a midnight mass,
He preyed behind stained glass
A memory of Sunday class,
Resurrected from the past

Hold your breath and count to four
Pinky swears don’t work no more
Footsteps down the hallway floor,
Getting closer to my door
I was alive, but now I’m singing…

Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Violent Knight… at the edge of your knife,
“Forgive me Father”…don’t make it right
Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Silent Night… at the edge of your knife,
You’re guilty!

A devil in a midnight mass,
Killed the boy inside the man
The holy water in his hands,
Can never wash away his sins

Hold your breath and count to four
Pinky swears don’t work no more
Put my trust in God that day,
Not the man that taught his way
I was alive, but now I’m singing…

Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Violent Knight… at the edge of your knife,
“Forgive me Father”…don’t make it right
Silent Night… for the rest of my life,
Silent Night… at the edge of your knife
You’re guilty!

Whisper, whisper… don’t make a sound,
Your bed is made; it’s in the ground

Red Flag

Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same
The kids of tomorrow don’t need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday

Well I’ve never seen us act like this,
Our only hope is the minds of kids,
And they’ll show us a thing or two

Our only weapons are the guns of youth,
It’s only time before they tighten the noose,
And then the hunt will be on for you

The red flag waving never meant the same…
Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same
The kids of tomorrow don’t need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday

Like the smallest bee packs a sting,
Like a pawn checkmates a king,
We’ll attack at the crack of dawn

Build a ladder if there’s a wall,
Don’t be afraid to slip and fall,
Speak for yourself, or they’ll speak for you

The red flag waving never meant the same…

Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same
The kids of tomorrow don’t need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday

Like a fire, don’t need water
Like a jury, needs a liar
Like riot, don’t need order
Like a madman, needs a martyr

We don’t need them!

Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same
The kids of tomorrow don’t need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday

We don’t need them!

This Suffering

Like a target drawn across my chest,
She’s a bullet in Russian Roulette
You said you’d never turn your back on me?
Rescue me! Rescue me!
Would you stand by me, or bury me?
Bury me!

Why don’t we end this lie?
I can’t pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces…

This suffering!

Every time,
You tried to leave me blind
You’ll never close my eyes,
You’ll never close my eyes and watch me die!

And when she spins the bottle round and round,
Every time it leaves me gagged and bound
You said you’d never turn your back on me?
Rescue me! Rescue me!
Would you stand by me, or bury me?
Bury me!

Why don’t we end this lie?
I can’t pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces…

This suffering!

Every time,
You tried to leave me blind
You’ll never close my eyes,
You’ll never close my eyes and watch me die!

Misery, won’t get the best of me
‘Cause now I’m calling, yes I’m calling on your bluff
Throw down the cards, I’ve had enough!

Why don’t we end this lie?
I can’t pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces…

This suffering!

Every time,
You tried to leave me blind
You’ll never close my eyes,
You’ll never close my eyes and watch me die!

Worker Bees

March on, worker bees!
Know your enemy!

We take our orders given by the queen
We’re not the killers, we’re the worker bees
If you resist us you will feel our sting
Surrender now before the swarm sets in

Protect the hive from enemies!
Protect the hive from enemies!
Follow the herd mentality!
Can we fight to save our souls?

March on, worker bees!
Know your enemy!

A pollination coming from the west,
And in a flash we will invade your nest
Supply of honey flowing bottomless
Play by our rules or you’ll be powerless

Protect the hive from enemies!
Protect the hive from enemies!
Follow the herd mentality!
Can we fight to save our souls?
And we’ll march… along, with our blindfolds on
And we’ll ride… the rails, with our pistols drawn
Can the Lord… above, forgive what we’ve done?
Can we fight to save our souls?

And we’ll march… along, with our blindfolds on
And we’ll ride… the rails, with our pistols drawn
Can the Lord… above, forgive what we’ve done?
Can we fight to save our souls?

Can we fight to save our souls?
Will we die to save our home?

Pins And Needles

Never understood how she could,
Mean so little to so many
Why does she mean everything to me?

Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Questioning her good intention
Jealousy’s a bad invention
When you push on glass, it’s bound to break

Even when she was defensive,
It just gave me more incentive
The more you squeeze, the more it slips away

I never walked so far on a lonely street
With no-one there for me
Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Accept this confession! …I’m walking on pins and needles
You’re not my possession! …I’m walking on pins and needles
My conscience is vicious! …I’m walking on pins and needles
And I’m begging forgiveness! …I’m walking on pins and needles

I never walked so far on a lonely street,
With no one there for me
It took too long to see her in misery
And now it’s clear to me

That it’s worth the pain, always take the blame
For all your own insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Fallen Leaves

In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground

I hitched a ride, until the coast
To leave behind, all of my ghosts
Searching for something, I couldn’t find at home

Can’t get no job, can you spare a dime?
Just one more hit, and I’ll be fine
I swear to God, this’ll be my one last time!

In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground
Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground

When it gets dark, in Pigeon Park
Voice in my head, will soon be fed
By the vultures, that circle round the dead!

In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground
Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground

I never once thought, I’d ever be caught!
Staring at sidewalks, hiding my track marks!
I left my best friends, or did they just leave me?

In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground
Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground

Run away before you drown!
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves… on the ground

Where Is The Line?

Urban Hipster, the new gangster… frontin’ by the club
New wave mannequins packin’ haircuts, instead of packin’ guns
Magazines form overseas, won’t teach you how to feel
They trade in their hearts for indie rock charts to tell them what is real

When did they assume… putting on a costume?
Gave them a right to… ostracize
Out of the woodwork… art aficionados
Answer one question…

Where is the line? Where is the line?
Between your fashion and your mind
Where is the line? Where is the line?
‘Cause some of us aren’t blind!
Where is the line? Where is the line?
To be your self is not a crime
Where is the Line? Where is the line?
‘Cause some of us aren’t blind!
She sells street cred with no smile, at the local record store
She’s acting the role and dressing the part, pretending to be bored
The truth about conformity, is it bites without a sting
Trends come and go, but when your alone it doesn’t mean a thing

When did they assume… putting on a costume?
Gave them a right to… ostracize
Out of the woodwork… art aficionados
Answer one question…

Where is the line? Where is the line?
Between your fashion and your mind
Where is the line? Where is the line?
‘Cause some of us aren’t blind!
Where is the line? Where is the line?
To be your self is not a crime
Where is the Line? Where is the line?
‘Cause some of us aren’t blind!

Here today, but forgotten tomorrow!
Here today, but forgotten tomorrow!
Here today, but forgotten tomorrow!

Covered In Cowardice

Twisted tongues will place you in their category
Face to face, you’ll hear them tell a different story
Loose lips may sink ships, but honesty’s forever
Eyes of envy try to cut and try to sever

Cowards that hide behind their words,
Don’t care whose feelings will get hurt
Beware the voice without a face,
That’s hidden underneath the…

Cover of cowardice
Can’t you see them!
Covered in cowardice
Can’t you hear them?

Beware the voice without a face,
That’s hidden underneath the…

Cover of cowardice
Can’t you see them!
Covered in cowardice
Can’t you hear them?

Cowards that hide behind their words,
Don’t care whose feelings will get hurt
Their eyes are blinded by their rage,
Beware the voice without a face!

When you’re insecure, they’ll find the fuel to start a fire
They’re bitter pricks with only hatred to inspire
Level heads prevail… revenge won’t make it better
Trust your instinct like you trust what’s in the mirror
Cowards that hide behind their words,
Don’t care whose feelings will get hurt
Beware the voice without a face,
That’s hidden underneath the…

Cover of cowardice
Can’t you see them!
Covered in cowardice
Can’t you hear them?

Beware the voice without a face,
That’s hidden underneath the…

Cover of cowardice
Can’t you see them!
Covered in cowardice
Can’t you hear them?

Cowards that hide behind their words,
Don’t care whose feelings will get hurt
Their eyes are blinded by their rage,
Beware the voice without a face!

A voice without a face!


She reads a book from across the street,
Waiting for someone that she’ll never meet
Talk over coffee for an hour or two,
She wonders why I’m always in a good mood

Killing time before she struts her stuff,
She needs support and I’ve become the crutch
She’ll never know how much she means to me,
I’d play the game but I’m the referee

Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound
Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown
Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now
Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found
Surrender… yourself to me

Even though I know what I’m looking for,
She’s got a brick wall behind her door
I’d travel time and confess to her,
But I’m afraid she’d shoot the messenger

Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound
Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown
Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now
Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found
Surrender… yourself to me

I think I found a flower in a field of weeds,
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed,
This flower don’t belong to me
This flower don’t belong to me
Why can’t she belong to me?
Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound
Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown
Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now
Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found
Surrender… yourself to me

I never had the nerve to ask,
Has my moment come and passed?

The Navy Song

Time… rolling along with the waves,
A thousand miles away
Holding you close in the rain,
Seems just like yesterday

Lost… hope in a faraway place
And in my hand remains,
A black and white print of a face,
I’ll never see again

I gave my life to save her
The ocean turned to red
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all
Cut down like lambs at slaughter,
Good men were left for dead
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all

Love… served until death do us part,
I’m drifting in the dark
Wounded and wishing to fall,
Into your faithful arms

I gave my life to save her
The ocean turned to red
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all
Cut down like lambs at slaughter,
Good men were left for dead
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all

Beneath the sky of hate,
Beyond the sea of pain,
In heaven I will wait,
Until we meet again

I gave my life to save her
The ocean turned to red
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all
Cut down like lambs at slaughter,
Good men were left for dead
In the fall, in the fall, when the tide took them all

Perfect World

All we shared was a mattress, and a lie, and an address
Baby I don’t need you, well baby I don’t need you
Once occupied by a goddess, now it’s a room full of boxes
She said, “it’s time to leave you” but baby I don’t need you!
In a perfect world… her face would not exist
In a perfect world… a broken heart is fixed
In a perfect world… I’d see no therapist
In a perfect world… this wouldn’t make me sick

I never got the whole story, not ‘til after she left me
Baby I don’t need you, well baby I don’t need you
Word on the street is she f**ked him, while we were playing in Cleveland
Well baby I don’t need you, you’re fading in my rearview

In a perfect world… her face would not exist
In a perfect world… a broken heart is fixed
In a perfect world… I’d see no therapist
In a perfect world… this wouldn’t make me sick
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes click!
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes click!
In a perfect world… her face would not exist
In a perfect world… this wouldn’t make me sick!

Reset my memory!

In a perfect world… her face would not exist
In a perfect world… a broken heart is fixed
In a perfect world… I’d see no therapist
In a perfect world… this wouldn’t make me sick
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes click!
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes click!
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes click!
She pulls the trigger until the gun goes…


A slap in the face,
And I can’t erase,
These things that you say,
Don’t make it all okay, it’s not okay

When push comes to shove,
I’ll put on the gloves,
Intentions are cruel,
I ain’t nobody’s fool you know

It hurts, my pride, step aside,
‘Cause I don’t need your…

Won’t get the best of me!
That’s what you’re giving me!
It’s just like trickery!
Breaking me down

A fistful of lies,
Dressed up in disguise,
And make no mistake,
I know they’re all so fake, they’re all so fake
My self-righteous friend,
I just can’t pretend,
Your words are the truth,
Sincere only when they suit you

It hurts, my pride, step aside,
‘Cause I don’t need your…

Won’t get the best of me
That’s what your giving me
It’s just like trickery
Breaking me down

Won’t get the best of me!
This s**t is killing me!
It’s just like trickery!
Breaking me down

Breaking me down

Burn The Evidence

In a garage, beside a house, there is a luxury Sedan
And for his next monthly installment,
He’s gonna go out with a bang!
Boy who always did what he was told,
Was promised to be king when he was old

Hit the brakes, hit the glass,
Time to shake the hands of fate
The mistakes of the past,
Flashed before his face

There is a man, intensive care
When he awakes he will declare,
“I’ve been dead for 20 years!
I won’t let 20 more go by…”
Boy who always did what he was told,
Bought the only dream that he was sold

Hit the brakes, Hit the glass,
Time to shake the hands of fate
The mistakes of the past,
Flashed before his face

Burn the evidence… of my existence,
Clear the ashes on the ground
Burn the evidence… of all these things,
That pull my spirit down

Ever feel like you’ve been cheated,
Following what they believe?
Don’t shake the hands of fate,
Don’t shake the hands of fate,
There’s no more time to waste!

Burn the evidence… of my existence,
Clear the ashes on the ground
Burn the evidence… of all these things,
That pull my spirit down

Burn the evidence!
Don’t shake the hands of fate,
There’s no more time to waste!

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